5 Tips to Spring Clean Your Workout Routine

The season of renewal is here, bringing with it warmer weather, blooming flowers, and a natural urge to declutter and freshen things up. Just like you might tackle a spring cleaning project at home, your workout routine can also benefit from a refresh.

If you've been feeling stuck in a rut with your Pilates practice, or if you're simply looking for ways to add some new challenges and keep things interesting, these tips are for you! We'll explore five key ways to "spring clean" your workout routine, incorporating the latest trends and keeping your workouts fun and effective.

Tip 1: Switch Up Your Class Types

Pilates offers a variety of class types, each with its own unique benefits.  While you might have a favorite class you rely on, stepping outside your comfort zone and trying something new can be a great way to challenge yourself and target different muscle groups. Here's a breakdown of some popular class types at Fuse you may want to consider:

  • For the Apparatus Junky, Try Mat Props: This twist on a classic class utilizes not only your body weight and gravity to build core strength and improve flexibility, but also adds in dynamic props like hand weights, a stability ball, foam rollers and resistance bands to challenge your mind and muscles in new ways. 

  • For the Mat Mavens, Try Tower & Chair: The Tower is a stable piece of equipment with springs and straps that add an extra layer of resistance and support to your exercises. The stable bed allows for deep muscle engagement and a wider range of exercises compared to Mat Pilates, and Chair is widely known as a challenging and fun apparatus!

  • For the Experienced and Adventurous, Try Fuse Ladder: This dynamic apparatus combines elements of Pilates, yoga, and TRX suspension training, providing a challenging and full-body workout that improves strength, balance, and coordination. You’ll be sure to bring your heart rate up as you enjoy a more “HIIT” style standing Pilates workout!

How to Switch Up Your Classes:

  • Consider your goals: Are you looking to build strength, improve flexibility, or increase cardio? Choose a class type that aligns with your current objectives.

  • Talk to your instructor: If you're unsure which class is right for you, consult with a Fuse Pilates instructor. They can assess your fitness level and recommend a class that will challenge you safely and effectively.

  • Embrace variety: Aim to try a different class type at least once a week. This will keep your workouts fresh and prevent plateaus.

Tip 2: Challenge Yourself with Progressions

Once you've mastered the basics of an exercise routine, it's time to take things to the next level! Progressions are modifications that increase the difficulty of an exercise. This can be achieved by changing the body position, adding weights or resistance bands, or increasing the number of repetitions.

How to Challenge Yourself:

  • Ask your instructor: They can recommend progressions that are safe and effective for your individual needs.

  • Focus on form over speed: Don't sacrifice proper technique for the sake of increasing difficulty.

  • Listen to your body: If you experience any pain, stop the exercise and consult with an instructor.

Tip 3: Focus on a Different Muscle Group Each Week

Pilates is a holistic exercise method that works your entire body. However, dedicating specific attention to different muscle groups throughout the week can further enhance your training. While our classes at Fuse are taught based on student requests, we do ensure the full body is addressed. Should you want to add a little extra, here's a sample weekly focus plan:

  • Monday: Core - Exercises like planks, bridges, and the Hundred will strengthen your core muscles, which are essential for overall stability and posture.

  • Tuesday: Upper Body - Focus on exercises that target your chest, back, shoulders, and arms. You can use light weights or resistance bands to add intensity.

  • Wednesday: Rest and Recovery - Give your body time to rest and rebuild after your workouts. Gentle stretching or yoga can help promote flexibility and recovery.

  • Thursday: Lower Body - Target your glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps with exercises like lunges, squats, and leg extensions.

  • Friday: Full-Body Challenge - Participate in a class like Fuse Ladder or a challenging Mat class!

How to Focus on Different Muscle Groups:

  • Choose exercises that specifically target the muscle group you want to focus on. Fuse Pilates instructors can help you design a few complementary exercises that focus on your desired muscle group.

  • Pay attention to proper form and alignment. This is crucial to ensure you're targeting the intended muscles and preventing injuries.

  • Don't neglect other muscle groups. While focusing on a specific area each week, incorporate exercises that maintain overall strength and balance throughout your entire workout routine.

Tip 4: Embrace the Outdoors (Weather Permitting!)

Spring is the perfect time to take your Pilates practice outdoors and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. Here are some tips for adapting your routine to an outdoor setting:

  • Find a flat, even surface for a Mat Class: A park, a grassy field, or even your own backyard can be a great outdoor Pilates studio. Use a yoga mat or towel to provide cushioning and protect your back from uneven terrain.

  • Find a Friend: Now getting your steps in can also count as social hour! It’s proven (by our personal experience) that walking with friends makes it go by faster and more fun! You can also opt to volunteer at a local garden or join a community sports team, anything that gets you moving and outside!

Benefits of Outdoor Pilates:

  • Vitamin D Boost: Sunlight exposure promotes vitamin D production, which is essential for bone health and overall well-being.

  • Mental Clarity: Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress and improve mental clarity.

  • A Change of Scenery: Taking your practice outdoors can be a refreshing change from the usual gym environment.

Tip 5: Set New Goals and Track Your Progress

Setting clear goals and tracking your progress is a fantastic way to stay motivated and celebrate your achievements. Here are some tips for setting effective goals:

  • Be Specific: Instead of a vague goal like "get in better shape," aim for something more concrete, like "increase my leg press weight by 10 pounds within 3 months."

  • Set SMART goals: Make sure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. I know, it’s crazy that a lesson from high-school is actually useful!

  • Track your progress: Use a workout journal, fitness tracker, or app to monitor your workouts and celebrate your milestones.

Benefits of Goal Setting and Tracking:

  • Increased Motivation: Seeing your progress over time can be a huge motivator to keep pushing yourself.

  • Enhanced Focus: Having specific goals will help you stay focused on your workouts and avoid distractions.

  • Sense of Accomplishment: Reaching your goals will provide a sense of accomplishment and boost your confidence.


By incorporating these five tips into your wellness routine, you can effectively "spring clean" your workouts and keep things fresh, challenging, and exciting. Remember, consistency is key! Aim for at least 2-3 workouts per week (mostly Pilates of course), stay hydrated, and listen to your body. With dedication and these simple strategies, you'll be well on your way to achieving your fitness goals and experiencing the many benefits that a fitness routine has to offer.

Ready to Spring Clean Your Pilates Routine?

Here at Fuse Pilates, we're passionate about helping you reach your fitness goals. We offer a variety of Pilates classes, from beginner-friendly Reformer Pilates to the innovative Fuse Ladder Pilates. Our experienced instructors will guide you through each exercise, ensuring you perform them safely and effectively.

Visit our website today to learn more about our class schedule or book an introductory Private session package, and embark on your Pilates journey with Fuse Pilates!